SERTI cybersecurity newsletter
In recent months, we have noticed an increase in cybersecurity incidents in businesses of all sizes in Canada.
These incidents often take the form of "ransomware" or "cryptolocker" which can greatly affect your dealership's operations.
SERTI has implemented data access and protection systems that meet IT industry standards for cloud service providers. Our teams continuously ensure the safe operation of your SDSWin and SDSMerlin applications.
A daily backup is performed in order to be able to restore your data in the event of loss or corruption thereof. This backup and recovery manipulation is part of your service agreement at no additional cost and strictly adheres to IT industry standards.
However, it is very important to understand the difference between the SERTI Cloud where your SDSWin and SDSMerlin applications reside and your local network in concession.
SERTI's cloud offering includes security in our data centers, but does not extend to computers and networks in your dealerships. The vast majority of cybersecurity incidents target your computers and local networks. It is the preferred gateway for criminals.
We strongly recommend that you implement, with your IT service providers or internal teams, measures to reduce your risks:
- Make sure all your dealership computers are up to date with the latest operating system version and that all updates are applied on a regular basis
- Ensure that anti-virus and anti-ransomware protection software solutions are in place
- Provide training to your employees on the safe behaviors to adopt in order to minimize your risks.
Faced with the upsurge in cybersecurity incidents, the Canadian Government has also set up a website containing a wealth of useful information for your dealership. We recommend that you visit it for more information :